While the semester is coming to an end, I still have time before I can stop stressing.
I'm ahead on my homework enough that, while there is three weeks of classes still before finals, I only have two weeks of homework left to do. Some of that will get done today, as well.
All that's left:

My brother, Bobby, was supposed to come out to Western this weekend, but they had a ton of snow, ice, and hail and he was worried about making the drive. So, yesterday I got a ton of homework done before I went to the Drag Show that our LGBT group, Outspoken, puts on every year. That was a lot of fun and I met some cool people from the group, and from WSA that Brandy knows. They invited me to go to the Diversity Lock-in tonight, where they will be doing some team building-esque activities. Brandy planned the event, so she asked me to be a volunteer for her. She didn't have that many people helping out, so I said I would do it. She won me over when she said I get a free t-shirt. :)
Anyway, the Drag Show was so great. It lasted a long time, but that was okay because I wasn't bored of it. It was different than I thought it would be, but I guess I've never been to a Drag Show before, so what I expected doesn't mean that's what it's supposed to be like. They didn't just walk down the runway in their outfits, they did a whole dance number. Some of them really looked like women too! Some of the girls also looked a great deal like men.
Dolly Dion:
GQ Joe:

GQ Joe:

Tomorrow is Lindsey's birthday! I'm so excited. I got her the new Footloose DVD. I bet she's going to want to watch it right away. I love that movie just as much as she does, so that's okay.
Speaking of birthdays, Celeste's was this past Wednesday. Linds and I walked into her room and sang her happy birthday, with the cha-cha-cha in between lines and all. :)
Only 4 weeks before I'm home for 4 months! I'm so excited to come home!
I'm even to start working!
Speaking of work, I have been filling out applications (and learning you have to go to lots of places to get the application) and some of these jobs I really hope I get.
Here's my list of places I plan to apply: (* top picks)
Dollar Tree
Victoria's Secret PINK
Hobby Lobby*
Charlotte Russe
Barnes and Noble*
The reason Pet'Smart is starred so many times is because I applied to be a Pet Care Associate. That means I get to work WITH the animals, instead of around them. I would give them food and water and medicine, clean out their cages, make sure they're healthy--all that good stuff.
I'm not sure I'll get it, since my work experience is minimal, but I sure hope I'm at least considered.
Mimisu is doing alright. He's weight lift training now: I put washers on the other side of the lever so it takes more muscle to push down. To end the experiment I need him to push down at least 25 washers four times in row. So far, he's stayed in the 14-18 range, which isn't bad, but I still need to get through one more experiment before I do my final one (which I still have no idea what to do for). He's gotten up to 21, but as soon as that happened he stopped performing well and immediately fell down to 13 washers. Lazy rat. :P
Sad news, though: one girl in my class named her rat Agamemnon (like the rat from Flowers for Algernon). I warned her, jokingly, that this was bad luck (for those of you who don't know the story--the rat dies at the end and it's very sad).
When we got back from Spring Break, we got into lab and Kendra says to this girl "I'm so sorry, but you're rat passed away prematurely over break."
Hers is the only one to die so far--there's only 6 labs left. Perhaps I was right about the bad luck in the name, after all.
Ah, so I went to that thesis seminar.
I'm not any less anxious about it. I might even be more so, now.
I have NO idea what I'm going to write about. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Finally, some upcoming events.
Easter Weekend: I'm going homeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! :D
April 12: Shawn's birthday! Not sure what I'm gunna get him yet. Hmmm.
Funny thing about this day, Linds' boyfriend, A.J. also has his birthday. Strangeeeee.
April 13: Bronco Buddies trip! I'm so excited to go down to Illinois and meet Kayla. That's all she can talk about in the letters she sends now. "It's almost April, I'm so excited!" haha. Oh, what a cutie.
April 20: Hairspray with Lindsey and her mom and grandma. It should be super fun. :) And a wonderful de-stressor before finals.
Which bring me to..
April 26: Move out day! I return home. YAAAAAY!
And with that, I ought to do some work so that I can erase some of that marker off my board. Maybe after Chapter 30, I'll watch Battlestar Galactica for a bit. I'm so close to the finale and I get excited just thinking about it. :D :D :D :D