While we're technically only a month and a half into the semester, we're also halfway through. Halfway isn't very far, when I think about it long enough, but when you add in Spring Break and the shortness of February, it's GREAT NEWS!
Another good news:
1. I won Miss Personal and Intellectual Growth 2013 for Pi Phi. It was our value of the Month. Thanks Sistas!
2. I have somewhere to live next year! Kristine (my grandBig), Rena (my Big), and myself (my Self) have signed a lease for a three bedroom at Copper Beech. It's a beautiful townhome: it's big, it's pretty, it's great. I have room to craft, I have room for furniture without having to scoot around things...Rena is bringing her kitty Lizzie, so I'll never be alone :)
3. I finally got a car! (Pictures to come) Mom is supposed to bring them the money today!! Yeah! It's a 2003 Ford Escort. 2 door (passengers--deal with it, there is plenty of leg room still). A few bumps and bruises, but it's old, so you know.
4. I learn who my Little is Friday and then next week is Big/Little and I'm SO exciteddddddddddddd :DDDDDD I've already started buying gifts, hahahaha!
So, needless to say, with the end of the semester fast approaching (though not fast enough) and my excitement about moving into Copper Beech (July 26) I am beginning to pack up my room and take home all the useless stuff I have.
~that is, dishes I don't use, decor, clothes I don't need here, etc.
I'm not sure that anything else has really happened lately. Just working hard to do my part for Pi Phi, going to class, doing homework, and will soon be crafting for my Little! :)
More on Big/Little week next month :)