Since my last blog, I've actually had a life other than homework. Yay!
I've found a way to constantly stay ahead of my homework--it's lovely to know the assignments for the whole semester.
Now, my calendar is full of fun things to do!
Lindsey, Emily, and I decided to go to the hockey game last weekend. The students are called Lawson Lunatics because its Lawson arena and we're crazy fans! Our chants are so funny.
We were versing Alaska, which is kinda weird, I guess. But we played them Friday and Saturday--Friday we kicked butt. Saturday, not so much. :(
But the important thing is that we had a great time!

The Broncos are versing Ohio State this weekend and I want to go, but the only person I have to go with is Karlie and she isn't sure if she can come because she has a lot to do. We'll see how that works out. But it would be pretty lame to go alone. Haha.
Other fun things coming up in my schedule:
Friday: Bronco Buddies lunch! We're skyping our buddies!
Saturday: Volunteering at the museum. Love that place!
Sunday: Dinner with the Deans. It's a sneak peek into the honors courses that will be offered in the Fall.
Then I go home next weekend! Then I go to Dad's the next weekend to see Rock of Ages!
Then a week later is Spring Break. It's going to be awesome to be home a whole week and not have to worry about homework!
March 13th I register for the fall semester! So excited! Remember that Super A I mentioned? I'm well on my way to getting so many OAPs that that one credit can become 3! I'll be taking a 3 credit course with no lecture or work!
March 15th is a seminar for our Honors Thesis. But if I'm lucky I can be part of the BRSS (Behavioral Research Supervisory System) program. Basically, I'll be an assistant of a grad student and I'll write little weekly reports and papers that will accumulate to become my thesis paper! That way, I don't get overloaded with trying to research and write the whole 30-40 page paper all at once AND I get to do sweet research! AND I could get Departmental Honors!
This will be really great if I decide to minor in Psychology! Plus, it will look awesome on a résumé!
With any luck, my brother, Bobby, might be coming to visit the last weekend of March. I sure hope that works out!
Then April 13th I go to Illinois to meet my Bronco Buddy.
Then two weeks after that I'll be all done with exams and I can come home for the summer!
Then in May, I have Relay (WOO!) and Nicole said I could come job shadow her for a week! This is great because I have to job shadow a Speech Pathologist before I can apply for the Professional Program here at Western and if all things go well I'll be signing up for that next February. And I'm very close to being able to apply for the professional elementary education program too. :D
Everything is going fabulously!!!!
Mimisu is still doing great. He's on lever pressing now and he's very good at it. I'm hoping to get a video Monday, because it's so funny to watch him quickly go around in a circle. Lever, water, lever water. Teehee.
There he is!
I don't know why, but he doesn't like it when I try to get him out of the Skinner box. He doesn't mind me getting him out of his cage or anything, but he doesn't like me to touch him when he's in the box. He actually leaps out of the box. It's funny to watch and so far I've been able to be where he jumps, so he jumps right into my arms. But I'm worried one day he'll jump some other way and I won't catch him. Sure, it will be his fault when he hits the floor, but I'll still feel bad when he gets hurt. :/ Professor Combs says she's never seen a rat jump out of the box like that.
Go figure I get the unique one, right? :P
He's such a brat. Just like me. :D
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