I have a feeling that this blog will be a lot of pictures with captions telling you about the activity in my life over the last two weeks, rather than the paragraphs you usually read and enjoy.
Alright...commence picture parade:
We got two new members, Cristina and Lexi. They raised our total of pledges to 19!
We all get initiated on November 16th, but first we have to pass the test next Sunday!
After pinning, we had a new member only sisterhood event: a mustache party in which we watched Hocus Pocus and "carved pumpkins" (you will understand the quotations in two pictures time)
My pumpkin ^^
Then, the next week was Big/Little Week! We got our first present (a letter) from our Big Sister after our Sunday meeting. I was very excited and I was hoping that Rena would be my Big. We had connected so perfectly (she's pretty much me) and we had spent a lot of time together. Of all the sisters, I thought she would be the best big sis for me, because any advice she could give me would most likely be something that I could follow, since it was probably going to be the same kind of advice I would give someone else.
After I got this letter, in which she bullies me about giving her my lunch money, I wrote a little note telling her how excited I was to find out who my Big Sis could be (though, I had a hunch) and that "my lunch money is on my Bronco ID hahahahahaha" and therefore she couldn't have it.
It was very difficult to focus on anything else. There was lots of Pi Phi doodles going on in class. o^-^o
I finally got a chance to spend some quality time with Lindsey and Erica. It was college night at Mongolian: that means unlimited food for 9.99! Yaaaay!
Tuesday night Lidia, our president brought my presents from my Big. My lovely Big Sis made me a pretty bulletin board, got me The Notebook, a Disney Princess friendship fiber optic lamp, a bag of Lays Barbecue chips, an elephant pillow pet, Pi Phi buttons, a Pi Phi notepad, and a TON of Reese's and Starburst!
Wednesday Kristine brought me my presents. I got a pink Snuggie, the Grimm fairy tales, a pretty pin box, a cute clutch full of Pure Seduction perfume, body wash, and lotion, and a Pi Phi lanyard--and of course a ridiculous amount of candy.
On Thursday I finally got to find out that my Big was indeed Rena! That means Kristine in my grandbig. Yaaaay!
The Tiara Family.
Now my family.
From left: Monica, Carmen, Iris, Kim, Emily, Kristine, Rena, Me
The picture frame I made at Big/Little Retreat
Shawn and I matched for the Halloween party at Sig Ep.
My Big as Bane.
Taryn as Minnie Mouse
Shawn was here for the weekend because our 3 year anniversary was this past Monday. We had a wonderful weekend, though it went by way too fast. He felt horrible because in his excitement to get here, he forgot my presents. So, while I was in class, he ran to Meijer and bought me roses and some candles to decorate the room with. What a sweetheart. I love him to death.
Shawn made this :)
Well, I think that's everything.
It just occurred to me that you're all probably wondering about how SCHOOL is going. Hahahaha.
My classes are pretty easy, but I think they're pretty interesting. At least, half of them are. :P
English is meh, which sucks because I love English. But we don't write papers or anything, really. I wrote one. But we DO read a lot, which I like because they're all pretty cool books. But we've been reading Hero Tales lately and I think they're very boring, actually. Oh well, we're almost done. Then we're going to read Eragon!!! We usually just take a quiz on the books we read and then spend the rest of the class period talking about the elements of the book and what they mean.
Holistics is so easy it's sick. It's online, so I can use my notes/the textbook for all the quizzes and tests. To be honest, I've barely read anything, because the questions are so easy and obvious (to me). Why do I need to read chapter 4 to know that "getting at least 8 hours of sleep is the healthiest" is true, not false. -_- Or that
In order to disrupt a self-defeating behavior it is important to:
Recognize and challenge negative self-talk
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Get mad, sad or glad
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Name your feelings and be a witness
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Both A and C
Ugh. It's almost a waste of time. But...easy A!
Human Development is nice, because it's slightly challenging to remember all the material (although all our tests/quizzes are online and therefore I can use my notes) but it's also extremely interesting. This is the basis for the rest of my education as a Speech Path working in an Elementary school. It's good to know that I like learning this stuff, because if I was already bored, I would know I was in the wrong Major. :P
My Gender and Women Studies class is also interesting, because it's entirely discussion. It's cool to hear what everyone else thinks about the readings and society. Being that it's an Honors class, most everyone is actually competent, so it's not annoying when people give their opinions, because they're usually educated ones. However, there is one girl (I won't name names) who always seems to say something that entirely goes against the point of the class.
For example, we were talking about the legal issues of Professors and students dating, and on the same note R.A.s dating their residents. The girl in question happens to be an R.A. and she said most of the people she worked with was dating a resident from the building they worked in. She said her boss was fine with it as long as they kept it kinda of the D.L. When our Professor said that was dangerous, being that it's against policy, this girl argued that the R.A.s were not dating people from their own floor (the one in which they are the "boss") because where she works the dorms are sectioned by gender. So the girl's floor will generally always have a female R.A.
This entire class is about removing the labels of gender! Whose to say that female R.A. doesn't want to date one of the girls on her floor! DUHHH!H!!H!H!H!HH!H!H!HH!
Sorry, I'm just still shocked and irritated by such an ignorant statement. PAY ATTENTION TO THE MATERIAL! *insert swears here*
I just began my Pre-Prac on Monday. It seems like it will be fun, because I'll get to work with children (with autism) and all that, but I'm nervous about the practice before we do that. We have to practice with people in the class, and let's be honest, it's more difficult to tell your neighbor, who you know is competent enough to match a frog with a frog and not a truck, to match the frog with the correct item, than it will be to tell a child who DOESN'T have that capacity yet, hence why you're working with them.
I think I may actually be done now. All in all, I'm pretty sure I'm dominating this semester. I've made new friends/sisters, and I'm doing well in all my classes. I may not get a 4.0, but I'll be pretty darn close.