

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of Classes

Well, as first days go this one is great.
My classes are well spaced apart, the buses are on time, and my teachers seem pleasant.
Unlike the first days I'm used to, however, I already have homework-and it's not to get my syllabus signed by my parent. :P I have four French exercises to do, two chapters to read for Gender and Communication, as well as a three paragraph paper to write, and sections 1 and 2 for Precalculus. Luckily, I don't have any of these classes again until Thursday.
I spent around five hours doing my homework today, because I'm a good girl and I finished it all tonight. Because who knows how much homework I'll get in my Wednesday classes, you know? Although, there IS only two and I only meet with them on Wednesdays. Still, it's way to early to slack now.
I wish I had more to say about my first college classes, but they were relatively boring in that they were classes. Haha. The only kinda cool thing is my Gender and Communication class is mostly Juniors and Seniors and they were pleasantly surprised to find a Freshman in their midst. One of them even said "good for you." Whatever that means.. :P

Lindsey, Emily, and I-and maybe Celeste-are going over to the Bernhard center at some point this week for supplies we learned we nee
d for class. For example, I need a binder for French because my textbook is actually a bunch of loose paper with three holes in them...also, Lindsey
wants to buy some work out clothes because we all plan to work out together. :) We're hoping to start tomorrow. We'll see how that goes and, of course, I will blog about it.

Making Friends...

So, today in Precalc I happened to sit next to a guy, named Gavin, who was a Freshman, just like me. We both agreed that the lecture today was a waste, since it was all review of real numbers and the Cartesian plane. At one point, with twenty minutes left of class, he began to draw a cow on his knee, which I found to be rather cool, since I was feeling overwhelmed with being a "big kid." It was nice to see a bit of juvenile fun. So, just as I was about to whisper that I liked his cow he saw me looking and said "like my cow?" and I said, "it's very square" because the body he'd given it had sharp corners. xD Well, anyhow-we both laughed and then he said "you want one?" and I said sure, but on my arm. Because not only was I wearing pants, it would have been more than inappropriate for him to draw on my leg.

There he is. Gavin drew him really fat, since I 'complained about the square.' lol.
College is gunna be awesome. xD

That's really all I got-I still need to finish my essay and read my text.

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